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2023-03-12 | Georges Senga: exhibition at Villa Romama in Florence
As a part of Black History Month programme in Florence, Italy, fellow Georges Senga opened his solo exhibition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prtre Catholique at Villa Romana, curated by Lucrezia Cippitelli
With Comment un petit chasseur paen devient Prtre Catholique artist Georges Senga presents the latest chapter of this ongoing series of work and accompanying book curated by Lucrezia Cippitelli, drawing from the family archive of Bonaventure Salumu. The reimagining of the archival traces, reconfguring them and re-narrating them as a gesture for overcoming the slippages and absences but also for mediating the distance between personal and collective forms of memory.
The exhibition is open until 24 March.
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