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2023-05-24 | Rehema Chachage: wins the H13 2023 award

We congratulate Thami Mnyele Foundation fellow Rehema Chachage with the H13 2023 award!

In her awarded proposal Nitakujengea kinyumba na vikuta vya kupitia [A Home for You I Will Create with Exit Pathways - A Gut Feeling] Rehema Chachage negotiates processes of rooting and rootedness through methods of performance, deep research and intergenerational conversations asking what it takes to create and maintain a space a ground for belonging.

For the first time since the H13 Prize was established, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich is awarding the prize in an international partnership with Bergen Kunsthall Bergen Kunsthall in Norway. In addition to the prize money, Chachage will have the opportunity to develop her practice further in a two-week stay at Bergen Kunsthall Live Studio Rehema Chachage will present her performance Nitakujengea kinyumba na vikuta vya kupitia [A Home for You I Will Create with Exit Pathways A Gut Feeling] on 1 September, as a part of the festive H13 award ceremony at Kunstraum Niederoesterreich.

The H13 program will be completed by an exhibition conceived by Chachage, which will be on view at Kunstraum from 2 to 16 September, 2023.

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