2023-06-21 | Open Call for workshop with Caterina Pecchioli at CBK Zuidoost
Open Call for workshop participants: "Research project of Caterina Pecchioli on the topic of Textile Cultural Heritage and Wax prints and its symbols as well hidden messages"
Are you the person which is so kind to consider participating and sharing your insights and knowledge during the workshop? At 5th of July form 2- 6 PM at location Open Space CBK Zuidoost / Broedplaats Heesterveld
If so please email your reaction directly to Caterina Pecchioli: catepec@gmail.com
The workshop will focus on Textile Cultural Heritage. With the involvement of fashion designers with origins from the former Dutch colonies and Afro-descendent fashion lovers and stylist we will run an In-depth analysis of what the different fabrics and their history tell about inter-culture, colonialism and cultural appropriations. We invite artists, fashion lovers and stylists to try together to unearth the histories and meanings of fabrics and patterning symbols and deepen their role in the aesthetic, economic and political relationship between The Netherlands and the former Dutch colonies and Africa. We will also address a selection of the items, especially textiles, included in the permanent collection of the Tropenmuseum What's the Story this exhibition problematized fashion by tracing the colonial history/journey of clothing items and fabrics from countries colonized by the Dutch. Each participant should bring in some materials to discuss: textile, dresses, photos, art works, stories on dressing practices from their families.
Decolonizing the Gaze - The Colonial Heritage of Italian and International Fashion Design and Its Impact on the Collective Imagination" is a project by Caterina Pecchioli, supported by the Italian Council (2022), Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity, Italian Ministry of Culture.
Project Partners: Africa e Mediterraneo - Afrosartorialism – B&W-Black&White, The Migrant Trend APS - CBK Zuidoost - Framer Framed - Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Addis Abeba (Etiopia) - Museo delle Civilt - Thami Mnyele Foundation (Amsterdam, Olanda) - Georgetown University (Washington DC) - Moleskine Foundation Nation25 - Orientale di Napoli - Universit IUAV di Venezia - Politecnico di Milano.
Caterina Pecchioli is a multimedia and multi-disciplinary artist, researcher, curator, and art director, whose work explores critical aspects and effects of power on mass behavior and socio-cultural and political dynamics. Her artistic process and creative output are based on a hybrid of traditional and relational aesthetics. She often works via participative process and action-research.
Picture: Michelle Obama's bag print and exhibition view from 'What's the story' the permanent collection of Tropenmuseum; @ Caterina Pecchioli