2023-10-18 | Jean Katambayi Mukendi: at a Zurich Biennial
We are happy to share that our fellow Jean Katambayi Mukendi is taking part in Zurch Biennial, curated by Mitchell Anderson, artist and founder of Plymouth Rock, and Daniel Baumann, director of Kunsthalle Zurich.
The act of organising exhibitions, at its heart, is one of discovery and sharing. We share with an unknown audience; we share artists and individual artworks that we believe are thought provoking, and may be beautiful. We share with the belief that those works might have the same effect on others.
From the start, this was an exhibition whose theme and reason to be was art. We live in a moment in which it seems as if the only option for group exhibitions is the thematic exhibition. This is false, and minimises the visual and conceptual impact of what is exhibited. Art is enough in its ambiguous anythingness. Art is not just a symptom.
The exhibition is open: October 7, 2023 - January 21, 2024
Photo: Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Afrolampe, 2020, ink on paper, 100 x 70 cm, @ Waldburger Wouters gallery.