2023-11-22 | Carine Mansan: in a LADEKASTPROJECT in Phoebus gallery Rotterdam
We are excited to share that our fellow Carine Mansan is a part of a LADEKASTPROJECT (or Chest of Drawers project) in Rotterdam, organised by Phoebus Gallery.
In the drawing cabinet, a small room with inlaid oak paneling and not too much sun, there are two chests of drawers, each with eight drawers, with internal dimensions of 5 x 100 x 140 cm respectively. and 5 x 78 x 120 cm. Artists are asked as openly as possible: would you like to put something in one (or two) drawers that does justice to the horizontal presentation of the work? The result can vary from a small presentation of autonomous works to an installation specifically made for the space of a drawer. A 'chest of drawers project' will be shown during two exhibitions. A chest of drawers project is organized two or three times a year.
Mirjam Westen curated Chest of Drawers project, which can be seen from November 5, 2023 to early 2024, will explore the theme of (un)balancing power relations.
"Sacred Bodies
Centuries of art history have covered women's bodies. Religion has been one of the main causes, using the immaculate image of the Madonna. The Great Mother becomes veiled, bearing a child as a vessel, appearing cold and disembodied. Thrilled by her African side and her European Catholic heritage, Mansan uses different aesthetics and codes from her multicultural background to create a self-portrait of her postpartum body.
During pregnancy and after birth, bodies change drastically for some women. It can be overwhelming, and. Society doesn’t always help us to accept this great metamorphosis, to cherish it.
Sacred bodies employ the same societal codes used to shame unfitting women's bodies, but this time they unveil those bodies and reveal their inner beauty."
Sacred Bodies series
Acrylique Ink and Gold 23K on paper
Photo credit: Carine Mansan
Yuchen Li, a former Thami Mnyele Foundation assistant, will also present her work in the project.
Participant artists:
Wafae Ahalouch, Christine Ayo, Atousa Bandeh, Diana Basyouni Al-Halabi, Esiri Erheriene-Essi, Susanna Inglada, Alicia Framis, Gluklya,
Susanne Khalil Yusef, Yuchen Li, Carine Mansan, Lana Mesić,
Beth Namenwirth, Helma Pantus, Vanessa Jane Phaff, Müge Yilmaz
The gallery is open Fridays - Sundays from 12:30 to 17:30 and Wednesdays, Thursdays by appointment.