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2023-11-29 | Caterina Pecchioli in a conference

aWe are happy to share that our fellow Caterina Pecchioli will participate in a conference "INTERDIPENDENZE: La cura come responsabilità" curated by Alessandra Vaccari and Veronica Redini, at the Iuav of Venice the 30th November and 1st December.

At the conference, in the context of the Decolonizing the Gaze project, supported by the Italian Council XI (2022), which she was also developing durig her residency at Thami Mnyele Foundation in summer 2023, she will talk about "Decolonizing the Gaze: Re-configuring Made in Italy" and coordinate the Panel "Decolonizing and caring fashion" with Enrica Picarelli editorial director of the journal Africa e Mediterraneo. With panelists: Michelle Ngonmo CEO of Afro Fashion Association and Ludovica Carini Adjunct professor at Università la Cattolica. The talk will be also accompany by a video and photo Installation "Traces from the decolonizing the Gaze collective research" in collaboration with Victor R. B. Abbey-Hart.

Caterina will speak on 30th December, at 16:30.

More info here.

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