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2024-03-06 | Sharelly Emanuelson: in Open Atelier Route Curacao

Our fellow Sharelly Emanuelson will participate in Open Atelier Route Curacao next weekend. Her studio in Studio Otro will be open on Saturday 9 March and Sunday 10 March from 10 to 6 pm.

For this occasion, Sharelly also wrote a text ‘What is an Open Atelier? And why should you go?’

‘On Curacao, Many artist have their studio near or at their home allowing you to get to know many parts of the island during the weekend. But the most important reason we advise you to go is to understand that the finished work we often see is but one aspect of what it means to be an artist. Many artists work and develop their concepts for years, and a few copy and display them at a faster pace while others keep many works a secret.’

read full text here

More info about the Open Atelier Route Curacao here

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