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2024-03-20 | Razia Barsatie: in a group exhibition The Hand That Searched in the Void

We are happy to share that our fellow Razia Barsatie is a part of group exhibition “The Hand That Searched in the Void’ at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen in Haarlem. Join the exhibition opening on Sunday, 24 March, from 14:00 ti 17:00 h.

What do we hold on to when dealing with change? Where do we cling when we feel un­cer­tain, un­com­fort­able, or afraid in an­tic­i­pa­tion of what is to come? Some find so­lace in vis­iting mem­o­ries, while others search for new knowl­edge, hoping the en­suing facts will bring them peace. Some seek dis­trac­tion, others, on the con­trary, think of con­crete so­lu­tions. Still, others ease their own fears by re­lieving those of others. A few look doubt straight in the eye or em­brace the not-knowing. How far can let­ting go help in dealing with change?

The Hand That Searched in the Void is an ex­hi­bi­tion and public pro­gramme around holding on and let­ting go. Amongst it are sto­ries that try to get hold of the past and in­stal­la­tions em­bodying per­sonal processes of coping and grasping. We also wit­ness artists re­lin­quishing con­trol, ne­go­ti­ating acts of holding on and let­ting go with the ma­te­rials and tech­nolo­gies they work with. The human body is in some way pre­sent in all ex­hib­ited sto­ries.

A diverse exhibition program awaits you with video art, artistic research, ceramics, technological experimentation, performance, and workshops, which will unfold over the coming months.

Par­tic­i­pating artists:

Razia Barsatie, Floortje Blaisse, Cristina Flores Pescorán, Mike Ri­jnierse, Jonathan Tang, Luis Carlos Tovar, Zhao Zhou and more.

Visit the official opening on Sunday, 24 March!

You can visit the exhibition until 9 June 2024.

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