Jeremy Wafer
When I go home to visit in Zulu-land, it is always incredibly hot and my family is sitting inside hermetically protected with the windows closed and the air-conditioning going full-blast. Every now and then someone will go outside to say a few words to the workers, then run back in. Outside the air-conditioners drip and hum... Seemingly quite bland objects have a resonance for me. I try not to make deliberately threatening objects."
Jeremy Wafer was born in 1953 and currently lives and works in Johannesburg. He completed his BA degree at the University of Natal and his master's degree in Fine Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1987. Jeremy took up residency at the Thami Mnyele Foundation in 1999
Since 2004 he is an Associate Professor, Wits School of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
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