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Option Dzikamai Nyahunzvi


Option Dzikamai Nyahunzvi (born. 1992, Zimbabwean)

I grew up drawing things of my own imagination, I started having so much interest in drawing at the age of 7, at first coping drawings of a friend and later had interest in traditional aesthetics trying to over stand natural existence of earth and the ancestral world. While each work is fused with simple printed layers of deferent techniques, works are then enhanced by removing a thin layer of paper as strips in selected areas. My visual language wrestles with the misunderstanding to the existence of natural forces in a space and time. My vernacular introduces a dialogue about present day Zimbabwe, its tradition and culture, hardships and a quality of natural magic that permeates the personal lives of its inhabitants.

I studied at The School of The National Gallery of Zimbabwe 2013 and in 2015 completing the residency at the same school. I started exhibiting with the galleries around Zimbabwe mainly in Harare that includes the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Dzimbanhete Arts Interactions, Delta Gallery and Tsoko Gallery. In 2015 I participated in a first international show, 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair in London and. PIASA Origins and Trajectories II Art Contemporian Africa et de la Diaspora, France in 2016. I have been working with Dzimbanhete arts interaction in various group shows, workshops and residencies.

In 2017 I have participated in the Thupelo international workshop at Great more studios in Cape Town South Africa for two weeks.

Folktales and Taboos #NL1

The Thami Mnyele Foundation is working on invitation from Chiko Chazunguza from the Dzimbanethe Art Interaction Zimbabwe, CBK Zuidoost Amsterdam, on the continuated project since 2016 "Folktales and Taboos # NL1"; initiated by the dutch artist RaQuel van Haver and former Thami Mnyele foundation resident Admire Kamudzengerere, Zimbabwe.

This project "Folktales and Taboos # NL1" is a research on old ancient folktales and taboos that are imbedded in the culture . This project focusses on research, workshops, discussion and process. The intention of this project came from the fact that RaQuel van Haver and Admire Kamudzengerere worked together in Zimbabwe and felt the urge to collect and write down these ancient, old and most of all important tales before they got lost, for example by a religion such as Christianity. This collaboration means that artist from different kind of back grounds, experiences, culture but also different kind of tales the brought up with can be a mirror for one and other. A mirror to reflect upon ones life, decisions, culture and preferences.

The whole project will be on show in November 2018 in the CBK Zuidoost.

Option Dzikamai Nyahunzvi links


1-54 Art Fair

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