Victor Ekpuk
Victor Ekpuk (1964), was born in Nigeria, and was educated in (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife). He has lived and worked in Nigeria, United States, and presently resides in the Netherlands. The central theme of his work is the exploration of relationships, challenges and responses to changes that characterize the human condition. Drawing is a very important aspect of his art. Of particular interest to his work is Nsibidi, an indigenous African system of writing that employs graphic signs, and codes to convey concepts. Ekpuk explains that: 'In my works, forms are reduced to basic essence resulting in new symbols or codes in script-like drawings. When combined with Nsibidi signs, these "scripts" provide the background narrative to my compositions. However, appreciation of the works requires more holistic participation. For this reason, it is not necessary to explain every detail in my works; it is equally important when the works are felt rather than read.' During the months of October, November and December 2007, Ekpuk is utilizing his residency at the Thami Mnyele Foundation to explore drawing as an essence of expression.
Over the past Months in 2011, Victor Ekpuk has been exploring the visual aesthetics of graphic symbols and signs in ancient African writings as abstract forms. "Of particular interest to my project is Nsibidi, an indigenous African system of writing that employs graphic signs, and codes to convey concepts.
Inspired by this ancient writings, forms in my works are reduced to basic essence resulting in new symbols or codes in script-like drawings that are used to express contemporary experiences. When combined with Nsibidi signs, these "scripts" also provide the background narrative to my compositions. Most often these narrative are better perceived when they are felt rather than read literally.
You are invited to view slides of his recent drawings." view his slides
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