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Razia Barsatie: in the finnisage of a group exhibition The Hand That Searched in the Void

Last chance to see the exhibition 'The Hand That Searched in the Void' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen with our fellow Razia Barsatie.

On June 23, Sunday, come for the finissage of the exhibition 'The hand that searched in the void'. The closing programme will include artist & expert talks, a ritual workshop, performances and snacks & drinks.

At 16:00 for the public programme Razia Barsatie will perform a ritual workshop.

The hand that searched in the void is an ex­hi­bi­tion and public pro­gramme around holding on and let­ting go. Amongst it are sto­ries that try to get hold of the past and in­stal­la­tions em­bodying per­sonal processes of coping and grasping. We also wit­ness artists re­lin­quishing con­trol, ne­go­ti­ating acts of holding on and let­ting go with the ma­te­rials and tech­nolo­gies they work with. The human body is in some way pre­sent in all ex­hib­ited sto­ries.

Razia Bar­satie, Floortje Blaisse, Cris­tina Flores Pes­corán, Mike Rij­nierse, Jo­na­than Tang, Luis Carlos Tovar, Zhao Zhou and others.

Photo of Razia Barsatie and her work in the exhibition The hand that searched in the void at Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, 2024. @ Maarten Nauw

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Thami Mnyele Foundation promotes the exchange of art and culture between Africa, African Diaspora and Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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