Razia Barsatie: in a group show
Our fellow Razia Barsatie is participating in a group exhibition ‘Dwalen met een deken van herinneringen- kunstenaars in relatie tot Suriname’ at het Amstelkerk in Amsterdam.
Sales exhibition for the benefit of Surinamese heritage 'Wandering with a blanket of memories - artists in relation to Suriname' with art by Razia Barsatie, Dan Ernst & Cary Speksnijder, Neil Fortune, Nishal Hindori, Glenn Kallasingh, Chequita Nahar, Ursula Neubauer and Djon Seedorf, curated by Myra Winter. Every Monday you can join public lectures by Cynthia McLeod, and others, on the theme of (world) heritage and archaeology.
Since 2018, Stadsherstel Amsterdam has been organizing benefit activities for Surinamese heritage such as the Surinamese months with various Surinamese enthusiasts. With lectures, a sales exhibition, walk and a shop. The proceeds this year will entirely benefit two heritage projects in Paramaribo: Purchase of the 6th monumental building to be saved by Stadsherstel Suriname and the Realization of the Elisabeth Samson House by Cynthia McLeod
You can visit the exhibition until 26 July, from 09:00 to 17:00. The entrance is free.
Photos: Razia Barsatie, Zonder titel, Klei en brooddeeg, 27,5 x 29.5 cm, Keramiek, 2021 @ Razia Barsatie